Salaries by profession and skill level sourced from our database
Profession level
Salaries in the game development industry are always an interesting topic for both candidates and companies. The Big Salary Survey is held annually so that game developers could find out what's going on in the industry and share the information with all interested in parties.
Deciphering abbreviations:
Q1 - the first salary quartile in US dollars;
Median - median value of salaries in US dollars;
Q3 — the third quartile of salary values in US dollars;
The report 2024 offers key insights into the games job market, analyzing industry trends on salaries, workplace challenges, satisfaction, discrimination, AI integration, and the rise of freelancing.
Click to access key insights into salaries, perks, and benefits in the game development industry, based on over 1,600 responses:
Ukrainian Games Industry Big Salary Report 2022. Read the results by clicking the button below:
The 2021 Salary Survey collected 2413 responses. Read the results by clicking the button below:
The 2020 Salary Survey collected 2163 responses. Read the results by clicking the button below:
The Big Salary Survey of 2019 collected a record 2000 responses. Download an extended version of the presentation for DevGAMM Moscow 2019 with the results of the Big Salary Survey 2019:
The 2018 Salary Survey collected 1200 responses. Read the results by clicking the button below:
The first big salary survey in the CIS was conducted in 2017 when 836 anonymous questionnaires were collected. Read the results by clicking the button below: